Our bracelets are here!!!

October 28, 2008 in CF, Cystic Fibrosis, fundraising, health care, help, just thinking, life | Tags: bracelets, CF, Cystic Fibrosis, fundraising, fundraising for CF, support | by Sarah Morris | 3 comments

Support Breathe 4 Tomorrow Foundation...

We are so excited about our support bracelets getting here… please contact us if you are interested in wearing your support wrist… Thank you all for your continued support, without you… we are nothing…
Bloggings of a CF Woman…

October 27, 2008 in CF, Cystic Fibrosis, help, just thinking, life | Tags: Add new tag, CF, Cystic Fibrosis, learning, life, living, moral | by Sarah Morris | 1 comment

That makes me sound so OLD!!! Hehe… be assured… I am not… I found my self lost tonight reading all these BLOGS on CF… I have never noticed how AWESOME that is!!! I am going to get better about writing here, even if nothing really cool is happening… and I am not going to make it all about my CF either… I am going to make it about ME!!! Though my CF is part of that… it is far from most of it… Though right now, Breathe 4 Tomorrow is my number one priority, so it probably will be about that… ALOT!!!

What I wanted to share with you tonight is how amazing our CF community is and how there are SO MANY OUT THERE!!! I feel like I know alot from Myspace (www.myspace.com/breathe4tomorrow) and Facebook ( I have NO idea), but tonight I realized how many I don’t know… and how I have a passion to know more… I think that is what I love about life… Being able to meet and love new people and if even one person’s life I make easier… I have succeeded… I will end sharing a stoy with you… Today I was wearing my shirt that says “Save the World” and people laughed at reminded me numerous times that no one can “save the World” and to them I have a story (that by the way I am TOTALLY doing from memory)

One night, no, I mean day… a woman was walking down the bech picking up sand dollars and throwing them back into the water (because the tide had gone out and left 1000s of sand dollars to bask and die in the sun… )As she picked them up a man walked up to her and asked… “What are you doing? You know you are just wasting time throwing those back in you can’t possibly think you are going to save all of those sand dollars.” As they looked down the beach at where the tide had been and 1000s of sand dollars lay. The man continued, “throwing them back one at a time isn’t going to make a difference.” the woman leaned down and picked up a sand dollar, “I disagree, you see…” as she threw it into the bay… “Just made a difference to that one”.

I love the moral of that story… One family, one person, one child at a time… We will make a difference…

Much Love~ Sarah
Holding accountable…

truth about enzyte

September 17, 2008 in Cystic Fibrosis, Information, fundraising, health care, life | Tags: adult CF, Cystic Fibrosis | by Sarah Morris | 2 comments

I posted a bulletin last night about myfrustration with the CFF, but I don’t want random strangers taking that blog the wrong way and not supporting the CFF… While I don’t agree with how much the President is making, I am still very thankful for all the CFF has done for us. I would hate for even one person to read that blog and not donate. I just want someone to hold them accountable. I don’t think Dr. Beall should make even close to A MILLION dollars a year, but then again, I don’t think Alex Rodrigez should make the type of money he makes either. I guess I am just a middle class American who is watching the middle class diminish before our eyes and that scares me.

Anyways, I love you all so much and appreciate all your support. Please understand why I removed that blog. But please, call the CFF, ask questions… hold them accountable… and the only way to do that is to let them know we are paying attention…

xoxo~ Sarah
Can you believe it has been almost a year?

September 12, 2008 in CF, Cystic Fibrosis, Information, fundraising | Tags: assistance, b4t, CF, Cystic Fibrosis, update | by Sarah Morris | No comments

We are still patiently waiting!!! Not so much patient at this point… The attorney we were using droppped the ball and that is why it has taken so long… So his boss called us and told me HE is taking over and going to get us our designation… so YAY!!! I just wanted to let you all know we are still here and we are going to kick it back into high gear… We have had the priviledge of helping a couple families this year and we are looking forward to helping so many more… The need is so huge at this point, and unfortunately supply and demand doesn’t apply here… In fact it is the opposite… When the demand (I prefer to call it “need”) is high the supply is low and when the supply is high and available, the need isn’t as high… SO I am turning to our CF community… please pass this along to your friends and family and have them go visit our memsaic wall…. It is so cool… You have the ability to purchase a brick and with that, you can post a picture and write a little memo in support of CF!!!


OK, so I just wanted to update all of you out there that visit our blog… It has been a while, but I am back and ready to discuss some of the issues bothering me right now… but I am going to so that later, for now I just wanted to post an update and a “poem” that a friend of mine wrote about CF:

We have infections that cause inflammation and we have inflammation that causes infection. We use antibiotics to kill the infection just to have the antibiotics kill our livers.
We awake each morning to live another life, yet we complain as to how CF intrudes on our life. We complain about the three weeks of IV’s but people in this world do IV’s year round.
We choose to rehabilitate our lungs just so they can be trashed and replaced. We have implants to save our lives when others have implants just to make themselves prettier.
We never thought we would live this long, yet we did everything the doctors told us to. They say mapping our Genes will lead to a cure, yet genetic manipulated fruit is bad for us.
The world is 2/3 water and mostly salt…all I need is salt to make my cells well. We know things about life that people never figure out, yet everyone feels sorry for the life we live.
They say this is a disease that affects the digestive system and the lungs, but in reality it affects my friends, my family, my car, my house and myself. There are days of endless coughing and pills, but each day I choose to live for another one.
Most people go through life not konwing what their purpose is.
I know my purpose, do you?

You are all in my heart and I thank you so much for your continued kind words and inspiration and your support….

Sarah Jean
Update on Breathe 4 Tomorrow Foundation

March 25, 2008 in Cystic Fibrosis, Information, fundraising, help | Tags: CF, Cystic Fibrosis, non profit, nfp, update, walk-a-thon, olympia | by Sarah Morris | No comments

WOW!! What an experience this has been… Things are going well, we are still just patiently waiting for our 501(c)3… We have our first walk-a-thon planned for June 8th!! I can’t believe how excited we are!! It’s just hard because we have ask for donations that are not tax deductible yet and that is going to be really hard to do… So everyone say a little prayer for us… We have a band playing and a 5mile walk… around beautiful Capitol Lake… We will hopefully have fliers out soon… but of course we would like to have our sponsors set up first… and getting sponsors with no 501(c)3 is going to be hard to do… so ahhhhh…. if anyone knows any companies that would be interested in sponsorships, please contact me at 360-556-5180…

Thank you all so much for your continued support